How to get your feet ready for Summer

Are you a barefoot kind of person? Do you like to shed your shoes as often as possible?

The time of year is here when your feet are on display in cute sandals, and soft soles and non-cracked heels are a must. Here’s a quick and easy way to give them some help, while respecting the planet.

🦶Softening Foot Soak

A foot soak is an underrated indulgence. All you need is 1 cup of white vinegar, 1/4 cup of sea salt and a bowl of warm water (around 3 - 4 liters). Add a few drops of essential oil if you want. Sit for 10 minutes and let the acidic water soften your soles.

After soaking your feet, use a balm as a final touch. Try the foot balm from MG Naturkosmetik it is vegan, bio and Demeter & cosmos certified.

🦶Scrubing your feet

Scrubing should not be only for face and hands. Our feet need to be scrubbed too.

Here is a recipe for home-made foot scrub from Hello glow blog with banana and coffee grounds. 

Use coffee grounds because a) it’s cheap and eco-friendly and b) the caffeine can help tone your legs and feet.

What you need

* 1/4 cup fresh coffee grounds

* 1/4 cup kosher salt

* 1/4 cup olive oil

* 1/2 banana

Step by step

* Combine ingredients in a bowl and slather all over your feet and lower legs.

* Pack the banana around your feet and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

* Then give your feet and legs a really nice, long scrub.

* Rinse well.

* Apply a balm to seal the moisture after the scrub.

If you are not in the mood of DIY, try the hand and foot organic scrub from JOIK. It is ECOCERT cosmos organic certified. 

Taking care of ourselves is always a priority, but it needs to go in parallel with taking care of our planet ☺️ be wise and choose well.