Get crafty and make your own Christmas decoration

It is time for some Christmas tree decoration :) sustainable, of course. 

One of the most sustainable ways to source ornaments for Christmas, is to ask your family members if they have any they’re not using that you can have, or go to a local thrift store and buy some used ones.

But if you want to get crafty, here are some sustainable decoration ideas that you can do with your own hands.

1. The dried citrus wheels

They are the perfect choice for your christmas tree, christmas wreath or to give your table a unique touch.

How to do them?

  • Slice your different citrus fruit into ¼ to ½-inch thick. Use a wide blade knife to ensure uniform thickness of individual slices.
  • Preheat the oven 150-170°F. 
  • Bake for 3-4 hours and make sure you turn them every hour.
  • Important: Just be careful to don’t allow the fruit to shrivel up completely to avoid brown edges and ensure it retains its color.
  • Attach a piece of twine to each wheel and hang them as tree ornaments or wreath embellishments.

2. Origami Stars

Origami stars are a fun and creative way to decorate your home.

You can hang these DIY paper Christmas decorations on your tree, stick them on the windows, make them into garlands or add them to your place settings.

You can make these pretty stars out of upcycled paper that have been lying around the house whether it's old newspaper, sheet music or battered up books.

Each one will be completely unique!

Get crafty and creative! 

And once you finish your decoration, pour a cup of your favorite tea and enjoy a Christmas classic playlist to immerse yourself in the holiday mood.

Happy Holidays!