Shop eco-friendly and find the perfect gift for everyone in the family

The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to make smart decisions and start with small adjustments to reduce our carbon footprint.

According to the Stanford University Recycling Center, Americans create 25 percent more waste in the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas than any other time of year, totaling 25 million tons of additional garbage.

Let’s start with the basics. How to know if I’m buying the right product ?

Research, research and research. Ask questions like: ‘Who made this product?’ ‘What materials/ingredients did they use and where were they sourced’ ‘What is their working environment like?’ will help you understand if the entire product and its processes are really sustainable. There’s a lot of green washing out there, so we must be careful on what we buy.

We recommend gifts that are reusable or can have a second-life, for example beeswax wraps; or zero waste kits that are a great way toward a more sustainable lifestyle.

Whether you know someone who already has a green lifestyle or you want to introduce them to ways they can be more planet-conscious, we’ve curated a list of some of our favorite sustainable and eco-friendly gift ideas.

1. A laptop case from Freitag. A brand that makes one-off bags and accessories made from used truck tarps and fully compostable textiles.

2. We love the twisted candles of Othermoon! available in different colors, these candles made from rapeseed wax are the perfect choice to decorate any home and are less harmful when put to flame since rapeseed wax is a natural, renewable and biodegradable wax that burns slower and cooler.


3. A limited edition Ahimsa silk foulard from the Swiss brand Komana. Why this will make a special gift? The design is whimsical, dreamy, bold and a bit quirky! The beautiful salmon background colour gives a great contrast with the bold black and white border and circle of hands. What makes it even more special is the fabric: Ahimsa Silk or peace silk. Why is called Ahimsa? 

As komana explains on their website: The term “Ahimsa” comes from Sanskrit and means ‘not to injure’ and ‘compassion’ and refers to a key virtue in Indian religions. In relation to our silk, this is a natural product where no harm was made to the silk worms. The cocoons are left until the silk worm naturally hatches from its home and start a new life.


4. A bread box from the brand mojoboutique made from recycled teak wood, free of formaldehyde and no chemicals. 

5. A zero waste kit made by you! How to do this? Look for a recycled box you have at home and put inside: a cutlery set that includes: 1 spoon, 1 fork, 1 knife, 1 bamboo straw, 1 sisal cleaning brush, all made from 100% organic bamboo without any chemicals. A reusable sandwich bag ; a bamboo toothbrush  and beeswax wraps


We hope that these ideas will help you to find the perfect gift for you loved ones! Happy Holidays and remember to always shop consciously no matter the occasion.
